§ 172-7. Lost or stolen property.  

Latest version.
  • A. 
    If any articles shall be advertised in any newspaper printed or distributed in the Incorporated Village of Bellerose as having been lost or stolen and if any goods or articles answering such advertised description or any part thereof shall be in or come into the possession of any dealer in secondhand articles, upon receiving actual written or oral notice of the similarity of description of such articles, such dealer shall immediately give information relating thereto to the Commissioner of Police or his agent. No disposition of such articles shall be effected until authorization to do so shall be given to such dealer by the Commissioner of Police or his authorized agent. A dealer in secondhand articles, when notified by the Commissioner of Police or his agent that property in his possession is stolen or alleged to be stolen, shall take immediate steps to secure that property, and it shall be marked "police stop." Thereafter, such property shall not be sold or removed from the premises until notification is made to the dealer in writing by the Commissioner of Police or his agent, allowing such removal or sale.
    Every dealer in secondhand articles who shall have or receive any articles alleged or supposed to have been lost or stolen shall exhibit the same, on demand, to the Commissioner of Police or any authorized inspector of licenses, to any police officer or to any person duly authorized in writing by the Commissioner of Police to examine such articles, who shall exhibit such written authority to the dealer.